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You taste chocolate in your coffee?  Here’s why

If you have been drinking coffee for quite a while, you might have noticed that sometimes it has notes of chocolate. Have you ever wondered where it comes from? Well, the main idea is that it really depends on the type of coffee beans and how they are processed. If you want to know a little more about this subject, we put together some information that...

Coffee from Nepal

Coffee from Nepal

July 5, 2022

We all probably know or have heard of the Himalayas, but also of the highest mountain peak, Everest. But probably didn’t know that they are on the border with Nepal where coffee grows, and not just any kind of coffee. A coffee that smells great and has a special taste.  About Nepal Nepal is a state in South Asia located in the heart of the...

Coffee from Ivory Coast

The Ivory Coast is a West African state overlooking the Gulf of Guinea. The west coast is characterized by the presence of rocks, bays, and rocky promontories; the eastern one is crossed by large and deep lagoons, most of which are inaccessible to the sea due to the presence of small sandy archipelagos that form a natural barrier between the coastal area...

Coffee from Panama

Coffee from Panama

June 30, 2022

The Panama region has been growing coffee since the early 20th century, but it has become a well known fact only for the last 20 years. The recognition came thanks to the Geisha variety, which put Panama on the list of countries that produce high quality coffee. It has become sought after by roasters, buyers, and competition baristas from all over the...

Roast Types

Roast Types

June 28, 2022

In order to get a liqueur full of aroma and taste in the cup, the best way is to choose a fresh roasted coffee in one of the ways presented below. The most important character is the coffee roaster. They are the person who knows best how to get the aroma and taste of home coffee depending on several factors. They study and test several types of...

The top 10 mistakes new home baristas make

Using coffee that is not fresh The most ideal "fresh" coffee beans should have about 4-14 days without roasting and be stored properly. Coffee should not be stored in the freezer or refrigerator. If the rules for preserving coffee are followed, the experience it creates and its tasting will certainly be more pleasant. Using untreated or hard...

Coffee culture

Coffee culture

June 24, 2022

Short History The culture of drinking coffee dates back to the century. XI, when coffee was imported into Arabia from its country of origin, Ethiopia. The Persians were enchanted by the tonic effect of the new "wine of Islam" because the true wine was forbidden to Muslims. The word "coffee" comes from the old "qahwa" in Arabic. In the second half...

Coffee from Colombia

Exported to all parts of the world, coffee from Colombia is considered among the best ever. In particular, Arabica is grown here up to 2,300 meters above sea level, great pride for the region which has the so-called coffee area, a must for enthusiasts who are about to visit Colombia. So let's discover Colombian black gold coffee through history and the...

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