Coffee Origin- page 6

Coffee Origin

The history of coffee dates back to the 15th century and probably earlier, with a number of reports and legends surrounding its first use. The earliest evidence of coffee consumption or knowledge of the coffee tree dates back to the early 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen, and soon spread to Mecca and Medina. By the 16th century, it reached the rest of the Middle East, South India (Karnataka), Persia, Turkey, the Horn of Africa, and North Africa. Coffee then spread to the Balkans, Italy, and the rest of Europe, as well as to Southeast Asia and despite bans imposed in the 15th century by religious leaders in Mecca and Cairo, and later by the Catholic Church.

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The term “origin” refers to the point of the provenance of a coffee bean. The origin of each coffee is usually shown on the package, and sometimes even in coffees. However in the Italian espresso tradition, coffees are usually blended together Therefore in many cases, the exact origin of the components is a secret only the maker knows. Now a number of specialty roasters have almost exclusively single-origin coffee beans. In this context, it’s shown that the coffee comes from a specific variety of coffee plant, from a specific farm.

Here are the most commonly mentioned origin places, and their history regarding coffee cultivation:


While Ethiopian coffee is one of the most known and used coffee, there are other notable coffee crops in central and eastern Africa. Each country has its own coffee types and coffee-growing process, which creates a unique profile and traceability for the beans.


Coffee arrived in Burundi in the 1920s under the Belgian colonial rule. After 1933 every peasant farmer had to cultivate at least fifty coffee trees, that’s why it became an important name in coffee history. In 1962 when Burundi gained its independence, the coffee production went private. The most popular coffee harvested here is the Bourbon variety.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Coffee was introduced to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the late 19th century from Liberia. Despite its history, the DRC is now considered a future producer of specialty coffee. It has a big potential in the future, but significant challenges have yet to be faced.


Ethiopia is perhaps the most fascinating country in Africa. The land produces astonishing and unusual coffees. It’s incredibly floral and fruity coffees from Ethiopia have opened many a coffee expert's eyes to the diversity of flavor that coffee this land can produce. 


Despite the fact that it’s placed next to the home of coffee, Ethiopia. Kenya only started production relatively late. The oldest documentation for coffee imports dates back to 1893 when French missionaries brought coffee from Reunion. Most likely the variety of coffee they brought was Bourbon.


Coffee in Malawi was introduced in the late 1800s. The first tree was introduced in 1878, by John Buchnan, a Scottish missionary. It first took root in the southern part of Malawi, in a region called Blantyre. By 1900 they achieved an annual coffee production of more than 1,000 tonnes.


Despite its small size, Rwanda was presented to the coffee cultivation in 1904, but the country did not produce enough to make revenue from it until 1917. After World War I, Rwanda was handed to the Belgians, and started its first exports to Belgium.


Tanzania got its coffee from Ethiopia in the 16th century. It was brought there by the Haya people and first was named as ‘Haya Coffee’. Most likely it was a Robusta variety and since then it has become strongly intertwined in Tanzanian culture. They have a special preparation when the ripe cherries are boiled, then smoked for several days and chewed rather than brewed into a drink.


In Uganda, coffee is a huge part of the export economy, and the country is one of the largest producers in the world. However, because most of their coffee is Robusta, Uganda has struggled to achieve a reputation for quality.


Zambia has been, for quite some time, overlooked by the coffee industry. Which in the long term led by little investment.


In Asia, the first coffee was brought in Yemen, and now Asia is one of the most significant coffee suppliers in the world.


Besides other products, China is starting to produce surprisingly large volumes of coffee. But in Coffee producing the growers are beginning to turn their attention to quality rather than quality. They are in constant experimentation pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the soil, climate, and varieties found there.


The origins of coffee production in India are linked to a myth which tells that Baba Budan was passing through Yemen in 1670, and smuggled seven coffee seeds. Because the number 7 is considered a sacrosanct number in Islam, it was treated as a religious act.


In 1696, the governor of Jakarta, Indonesia received a gift of several coffee seedlings from the Dutch governor of Malabar in India. These plants were lost in a flood, so he required a second shipment, and the plants flourished just after that.

The Philippines

The story about coffee in The Philippines starts in 1740 when a Spanish monk in lipa planted the first coffee plants. It flourished under Spanish colonial rule and while it spread out around the Philippines.


If a pilgrim Muslim returns home from Mecca and passes through Indonesia, he brings a plant with him and plants it in the south of Thailand.


Yemen was the first to produce coffee on a commercial basis in Asia. The coffee there is pretty distinctive, perhaps challenging, and certainly unusual.


Now America is the world’s coffee bean major supplier. But the range and quality of the beans along the continents varies hugely. Today Brazilia proved one-third of the international coffee market.


Bolivia has the potential to produce truly great coffees and he already does it in small portions. However the production is shrinking year on year, and coffee farms are on their way to disappear.


Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee for 150 years now. In the past Brazil’s market share was as high as eighty percent. Brazil got its first plants while it was under Portuguese rule in the 1727’s from French Guiana.


Colombia was introduced to coffee in 1723 by the Jesuits. The production wasn’t a significant one, until the end of the 19th century. However, in 1912, coffee made up approximately fifty percent of Colombia’s total exports.


Coffee arrived in Ecuador around 1860, which was relatively late. Coffee production spread through the country and in 1905 it started its first exports to Europe. Ecuador is one of the few countries that grow both Arabica and Robusta coffee.


Coffee arrived in Haiti while it was a newly founded French colony in 1725. The first coffee was probably grown around Terroir Rouge in the northeast part. Coffee production rapidly increased on the island, and Haiti produced between fifty and sixty percent of the world’s coffee from 1750 to 1788.


Hawaii was the only coffee-producing region in a First-World country. This changes its economy, as well as the marketing, of the coffee. The producers are engaging the consumers directly. But the experts say that the quality of the coffee doesn’t merit its price.


The story begins in 1728 when the Governor received a coffee plant from the Governor of Martinique. At first, its production was relatively limited; in 1752 Jamaica exported only 27 tonnes (30 tons) of coffee.